The Nexus IT TechBeat Podcast with Founder/CEO, Earl Foote

2:14 Banking on Tech: A 25-Year Journey in Leadership and Innovation - Scott Anderson

December 01, 2023 • Earl Foote • Season 2 • Episode 14

Featuring: Scott Anderson: President and CEO of Zions Bank 
This year, Zions Bank celebrates a whopping 150 years of dedicated service to the communities of the Intermountain West. As Utah's oldest and premier financial institution, with its distinct statewide distribution of branches and a vast array of services, it has been at the forefront of molding financial landscapes. 
Mr. Scott Anderson, a Salt Lake City native, is not only a distinguished alumnus of Columbia University and Johns Hopkins University, but also a devoted community enthusiast, serving on various business and nonprofit boards. 
Discussion Topics: 
💵 Zions Bank & Tech Support 
💵 Tech Financing Challenges 
💵 The Silicon Valley Bank Effect 
💵 Conditions for Tech Financing 
We're privileged to welcome Scott Anderson in our next segment. Tune in for a profound conversation where we explore the intersections of banking, technology, and their harmonious collaborations.